Twitter Advertising Turbo-charge your Twitter marketing efforts with data-driven Twitter ads crafted especially for your brand!
Want to get your brand in front of over 187 million people? Scale your brand on Twitter? Get better returns on your advertising money? Let our team of experienced advertising specialists help you realize your Twitter marketing goals!
We’ve already helped businesses like yours increase their brand’s presence on some of the biggest social media platforms. You can expect nothing less for your business.

Types of Twitter Ads Our advertising professionals can help you create ads in the following formats.
Promoted Tweets
This is the most versatile and popular Twitter ad format. It allows you to promote your tweeted content across the platform. The content type can vary widely. You can promote polls, texts, images, videos, and even carousel ads. It even allows you to create moment ads – a collection of tweets that tells a story.
Follower Ads
More than just your tweets, Twitter also allows you to promote your account. This ad format is specifically designed to increase your brand’s visibility and attract new followers. So if you’re having a hard time building a following on Twitter, this is the type of ad for you.
Video Ads
Following in the footsteps of YouTube and Facebook, Twitter also now has video ads embedded within videos. This lets you align your ad with premium video content from the most relevant accounts. Twitter even lets you choose from over 15 video categories to serve your ad in.
Takeover Ads
From the name itself, this ad format lets you take over Twitter’s timeline for a certain amount of time. And by takeover, we mean, your ad will be at the top of everyone’s feed. So that’s the first thing they’ll see every time they open Twitter.
Live Video
Do you have a big piece of news you want to share with the world or a major announcement to make? Twitter’s live video ads help your livestream content reach more people and even lets them engage with your video in real-time.
“Nobody counts the number of ads you run; they just remember the impression you make.”
William Bernbach
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Why Advertise on Twitter?
1. It’s the Internet’s Most Engaged Community
If you’ve ever been on Twitter, then you wouldn’t question this. Just looking at the Twitter wars that flare up every now and then, Twitter has undoubtedly the most passionate and engaged users on the internet.
Out of the platform’s 187 million active daily users, 59% regularly get their news from Twitter. Plus, the platform is expected to grow at least 2.4% each year. About 80% of Twitter users are also from outside the US. So if you’re planning to go global, Twitter can take you there.
2. Low Cost Per Click
Compared with Facebook, Twitter has a significantly lower reach. But this “weakness” is also its strength. Because of the relatively low competition, you can get clicks on Twitter for way much less than what you would pay on Facebook or Instagram. A promoted tweet can only cost anywhere from $0.03 to $2 per click or action. While promoted accounts may only cost as low as $2 per follow.
3. Pay Only for Conversions
One of the best things about advertising on Twitter is you only pay when you achieve your marketing goal. Whether you want more conversions or engagement, Twitter will only charge you when people take that action.
For instance, if you promote your account to gain more followers, you’ll be charged only when someone follows you. If you run an app install campaign, your total bill will depend on how many people installed your app.
Though Facebook also offers a similar PPC scheme, Twitter is definitely better when it comes to lead generation.
4. Engager Targeting
Engager targeting is a type of advertising that allows you to specifically target people who have recently seen or engaged with your posts. This is actually one of Twitter’s major advantages over other social media marketing platforms.
When you look at it from a marketer’s point of view, engager marketing makes so much more sense. Instead of targeting some random guy on Twitter, it lets you get your ad in front of people who are already interested in your content. Obviously, these are also the very same people who will most likely click on your ad, follow your account, or download your app.
5. Keyword Targeting
Yes, every online advertising platform offers keyword targeting. But on Twitter, you can target those people who used a specific keyword in their tweet or have engaged with a tweet containing those keywords within the past seven days. It also lets you get your ad in front of people who used a certain hashtag.
Compared with other social media platforms, Twitter’s keyword targeting tends to be pretty granular. On Facebook, you can only target people who are interested in a certain topic. But going for an exact keyword is more specific and often yields higher conversions. In short, that’s where the money is.
6. Tailored Audiences
Aside from specific keyword targeting, Twitter also lets you create your own tailored audience to target for your ads. This means you can easily target your competitor’s followers. This also makes lead generation so much easier. You don’t even need their emails or phone numbers. Twitter only requires account handles (which you can easily get with a data scraping tool) to create a tailored audience for your ads.
What Makes a Great Twitter Ad?
Short and Sweet
According to Twitter, the best performing tweets are those with copies ranging from 50 – 100 characters. They’re short, have no frills, and get directly to the point.
A Strong Call-to-Action
This is one of the most important parts of any ad and obviously, a strong CTA is necessary for Twitter ads too. Twitter ads with clear instructions on what the reader should do next tend to have better conversions.
Less Distractions
While adding lots of hashtags and mentions may increase a tweet’s visibility, they don’t necessarily work for ads. On the contrary, they only serve as distractions that your audience might click on.
Stunning Visuals
The saying that “a picture is worth a thousand words” couldn’t be more true for ads. Stunning visuals that make your audience stop and think always make for a great Twitter ad – or any kind of ad for that matter.
Work With a Trusted Twitter Advertising Agency
Here at Correct Digital, we take our client’s trust very seriously. That’s why we always strive to create brand-centric and data-driven ad campaigns that drive conversions.