50+ Engaging Social Media Questions to Ask Your Audience

Published May 20, 2022
If you want to boost your social media presence, engagement is the name of the game. I mean, who would want to follow your page if you only post boring content, right?
But how do you keep your engagement levels high? This is a question that often makes business owners and social media managers lose their sleep.
While there is no exact formula for social media success, asking questions is one of the most surefire ways to capture your audience’s interests. It not only brings you closer to your followers but also lets them connect with you on a more personal level.
If you don’t know where to start, here are some ideas for engaging social media questions to ask your followers:
The Most Engaging Questions to Ask on Social Media
Without further ado, here are some of the most engaging social media questions you can ask your audience:
Brand-centric Social Media Engagement Questions
- Would you rather (insert two options related to your niche)?
- Which one do you like better? (Post a side-by-side photo of two things i.e. coffee and tea, shoes and slippers, etc.)
- What’s your favorite (insert your brand name) product?
- What’s the one (insert your brand name) product you can never go without?
- What’s your favorite (insert products or things related to your niche)?
- Have you seen our latest…?
Fun Questions to Ask on Social Media
- If you have $50,000 right now, tag the person you’ll spend it with!
- What do you think is your superpower?
- What five things can you not leave without?
- Would you rather be famous or the best friend of someone famous?
- Post a picture with someone you want to spend your whole life with.
- If you can only eat one thing for an entire year, why would you do that?
- Would you rather talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader? (this will only work if you have lots of Starwars fans)
- Would you rather have an IQ of 200 or the ability to read people’s minds?
- Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or 1 horse-sized duck?
- What’s the dumbest thing you believed as a child?
- What’s the dumbest thing someone has argued with you about this week?
Question Games for FB Groups
- If you could travel back in time, where would you go? (for history enthusiast Facebook groups)
- If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be and why? (for history enthusiast Facebook groups)
- What if you could travel anywhere in the world? Where will you go? (for travel groups)
- If you can have a superpower right now, what would it be and why? (for movie fan groups)
- What’s the last movie you watched? (for movie fan groups)
- What’s one movie you watched over 100 times? (for movie fan groups)
- What’s the most used app on your phone? (for tech enthusiast FB groups)
- What’s your screensaver right now? (for general FB groups)
- If you could run away for a day and do anything you want, what would you do? (for general FB groups)
- If you could only celebrate one holiday every year, what would it be? (for general FB groups)
- Before kids, what did you think you would NEVER do? (for parenting FB groups)
- When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up? (for general or parenting FB groups)
- Dogs or Cats? (for pet lover groups)
- Sweet or Salty? (for foodie groups)
- Where are you from? (for newly-formed FB groups)
Questions to Boost Instagram Engagement
- What’s the best thing you saw on Instagram today?
- Ask me anything.
- What made you smile today?
- What are you most thankful for today?
- What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
- Who was the best dressed at The Met Gala?
- Who inspires you every day?
- What is your biggest fear?
- What’s your ideal date night?
- Quiet night at home with a book or out on the town with friends?
- What’s your favorite holiday?
- What was your dream job as a kid?
- What woke you up today?
- What is the best thing that has happened so far today?
- What’s your dream travel destination?
- Can you guess who?
- Never have I ever…
- Would you eat this?
- What do YOU want to see in our shop?
- What would you tell the 21-year-old version of yourself?
The Best Questions to Boost Your Linkedin Connects
- What makes a great boss?
- What’s your biggest challenge at work?
- What’s one thing you’ve learned recently that has changed how you think about work or your career?
- What are you currently working on that you’re excited about?
- What are your thoughts about hiring freelancers versus keeping an in-house team?

Tips When Asking Questions on Social Media
Simply asking the above questions won’t cut it. Remember, we’re talking about the very competitive world of social media. To ask these questions more effectively, here are some tips to keep in mind:
1. Keep it on topic.
If your page is about dogs, don’t ask your audience about coffee or what’s the latest gossip about the Kardashians. Keep it on topic. Your audience follows you because their interests are in line with your brand or your page’s topic. If you suddenly throw them a question that’s not even remotely relevant to your topic, it might confuse them.
Besides, keeping your posts and questions on topic helps you carve out a niche for yourself. For instance, if you keep your topics about dogs, you’ll naturally attract the attention of dog lovers. This niche audience are more likely to engage with your posts since it resonates with their interests.
2. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes.
One of the most common mistakes page managers make when asking a question on social media is not putting themselves in their audience’s shoes. Some questions might sound funny or interesting to you, but it doesn’t mean it will have the same effect on your audience too.
So before asking a question, try to put yourself in your audience’s shoes first. Then ask yourself, will this pique my curiosity? Do I have anything to say about this topic? Would I like to answer this question?
Doing this will help you figure out whether the question is right for your audience and whether it’ll convince them to engage with you.
3. Include an image.
This goes without saying. Including images in your post increase your chances of getting noticed by your audience. Without images, there’s a good chance your audience will just scroll by it, no matter how creative or interesting the question might be.
You don’t really need elaborate images. You can create simple graphics on your phone or use design tools like Canva. If you have the time, you can also make a gif image or a short video. Your creativity is the limit.
(Related: 5 Ways To Attract Social Media Followers)
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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer and SEO specialist based in the Philippines. She works hard to cross check reputable sources to ensure her work uses accurate facts. She is the lead author for several prominent websites covering a variety of topics including law, health, nutrition, and more.