Guide For Sellers: How Much Does It Cost To Sell On Etsy?

Published February 20, 2023
Etsy is an online platform that focuses on selling things that are handmade, vintage, and crafts. It enables artisans to sell their products to a large and diversified audience that they may have yet to have access to. You might be wondering how much do Etsy charge when you make a sale through the site. Well, Etsy charges a fee for each listed item a person sells. This is how they can keep the service going.
How Much Do Etsy Charge?
Some of Etsy’s services may have fees that sellers have to pay. Please take note that all fees indicated do not include any applicable value-added tax (VAT) or other taxes, and the fees listed are only those mandatory. In addition, all service fees are non-refundable, including any fees that have already been paid in advance.
Listing Fee
Selling on Etsy costs a $0.20 listing fee for each item you offer on its website and mobile apps; after four months, even if your item has not sold, Etsy will keep renewing your listing unless you opt out. Etsy only charges a listing fee when you create or renew a listing; there is no charge for updating or editing a listing.
If you made a private listing, however, you will not be charged until the private listing is sold. If you list more than one of the same items, the first listing will cost $0.20, and after each of the items sells, the listing will be renewed automatically at $0.20.
Transaction Fee
There is a 6.5% transaction fee (5% before April 11 Etsy fees 2022) added to the total sale price, including shipping and gift wrapping, when you sell something on Etsy. The transaction fee does not apply to sales tax if you sell from the US, as it will be pre-tax.
If you sell outside of the United States, the transaction charge will be applied to the listing, shipping, and gift-wrapping fees; the same is true if you offer optional product personalization for an additional fee. Transaction fees will be deducted from your available balance and recorded in your payment account with each sale.

Processing Fee
When using Etsy Payments, the processing fee includes the cost of handling credit card and bank transactions. This service is available to sellers in 36 eligible countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. It accepts PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay, credit cards, and debit cards. The cost varies depending on where your bank account is located.
Etsy Payments charges U.S.-based sellers $0.25 plus 3% of the final sales price, including tax, customization, and shipping. PayPal can accept payments if you’re not in an eligible country. Payment processing fees should be comparable.
Currency Conversion Fee
If your business attracts overseas customers and uses Etsy Payments, or if the listing price is in a different currency than the payment account currency, selling on Etsy costs a 2.5% currency conversion fee on the total sales price.
More than $0.20
You may have read that Etsy requires only $0.20 to get started. While this is not entirely incorrect, there are various other fees to consider on how much do Etsy charge, as discussed above. However, extra fees such as Etsy ads and Pattern are not included in this article.
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About The Author
Krizzia Paolyn, is an SEO Specialist and author based in the Philippines. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. It has always been her passion to share her voice, and at the same time, to encourage others to share their voices as well. You can connect with her on LinkedIn.